Wednesday, April 16, 2014

PCSING Overseas with a Dog

Moving overseas in itself is a lot of work but moving a pet makes it so much more stressful. I can only give advice on the steps to take for moving to Germany because every country has different requirements.

1.  Your pet needs to have an internationally recgnized microchip.  These are the 15 digit microchips.  Most vets will know if the microchip they use is the right kind.

2. Then they have to be up to date on their shots and specifically need a rabies shot. They have to get the microchip put in BEFORE they get a rabies shot.  Then the rabies shot paperwork has to have the microchip number on it.
You will need paperwork for both the microchip and the rabies shot with you at customs. 

3. Your pet will also have to have a 10 day health certificate stamped by the USDA. If you live on a military base the vet will know this but if not you will have to ask if they have done one.  You can contact your local USDA office to get the dual language German and English one, which is preferred.  You have to get this done about 7 or 8 days before you leave so that you make sure it gets back to you in time in case something isn't filled out right and you have to do it again. But also is still valid a day or two after your flight in case it gets delayed. The USDA will let you overnight it and if you pay for it will overnight it back to you. 

4. You have to look up what type of crate your pet must ride in because it varies by airline,  which you will have to buy.  Most require them to be bolted on the sides not just have the plastic clips.  These can always be added yourself because most crates won't come with bolts.  You also have to have food and water bowls attached to the door for most airlines, which are sold at most pet stores.  

5. I recommend you bring three copies of all your pets paperwork to the airport; one for yourself,  one to tape to the top of the pet cage,  and an extra just in case. You will need it when you board and when you land and then the vet will need some of it when you register your pet on base.  

6. Our travel office set up our pets reservation along with our flight but if they don't you have to book that yourself and not all airlines are pet friendly.  You also have to pay out of pocket for your pets travel because the army will not pay for it. Our dog plus his cage weighed 90lbs and it cost about $150. 

7. Our dog isn't that people friendly so we had our vet give us some pills to relax him. I would recommend this,  it really helps. Especially if your dog is nervous in general or not used to being caged.  

Well I think that's about it.  Hope I covered everything 

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