I haven't gained any weight but my regular pants are very uncomfortable so I've been embracing maternity pants and leggings already.
The worst part of my first trimester has been the back to back cold, stomach flu, cold, stomach flu. Yes I had some sort of stomach flu type virus twice. Not fun.
Otherwise, less nausea than my other two pregnancies, although I didn't have bad nausea with either of them. Food aversions to soda, strong garlic scents and flavors, and the sight of raw chicken. Gag.
Other symptoms include: crazy dreams (which was my first noticable symptom), some back pain, sore boobs
Have seen baby twice now on ultrasound, once at 8 weeks and then again today. Baby is growing and kicking! Heartrate of 157-160. Measured 2 days ahead but not changing due date at this point.
I will be happy with either a boy or girl. A boy would be nice but we already have so much girl stuff that just seems easier. Won't know for probably 6-8 more weeks.