Time. Just. Slow. Down.
Weight: 18.5 lbs (92%)
Height: 25.9 inches (60%)
Foods: She has tried all the "first" baby foods and loved most of them. Carrots were iffy. She also has had avocado and watermelon. This kid loves to eat. She wants to be eating when we are eating. She also sat in a highchair at a restaurant for the first time last weekend! SO crazy. She also eats puffs.
Still breastfeeding and loving it; no bottles. It's the easiest thing ever now that we are to this point and I hope to continue until she's at least a year. Fingers crossed we don't have any issues when she gets teeth haha.
Still sleeping with me but she takes pretty good naps in her crib during the day and even goes to sleep in her crib for an hour or two most nights before I bring her in bed with me. Some nights I get super lucky and she'll sleep in there until around 12:30. I have high hopes for getting her in her own bed full time. eventually. ha.
She isn't really crawling yet. She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks and rocks then flops forward, scotches forward, rolls over and over, and on and on until she gets where she wants hahaha. She's definitely mobile but I'm sure she'll figure out proper crawling any day now.
She loves her jumper and her walker. She will actually walk forward in it already. Trying to keep up with her sister.
Gemma absolutely loves her sister! She is always watching her and laughing at her. She loves when Elsie pays any sort of attention to her, at all. It's THE cutest! I can't wait for them to play together in the coming years. I hope they are the best of friends.
Baby girl is getting so big! It's equal parts exciting and sad how fast it's going by. I love seeing her little personality starting to shine through. Gemma is the happiest, smiliest baby ever! People even make a point of telling us how happy of a baby she is anywhere we go. We are blessed.
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