Today I am 35 weeks and 4 days.
My doctor appointment went great! I have been pretty uncomfortable lately with my hips hurting and not sleeping well so was very anxious for my doctor appointment today to see if there are any changes down south ha. Thankfully I am already dilating, about a half centimeter so the doctor said it's definitely likely that I could deliver a week or two early. Woo! Obviously I want to wait until Gemma is ready and everything but this time around I'm just over it.
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Elsie and Bump with Santa last weekend! |
How big is baby:
Doctor says almost 6 pounds and about 19 inches, but I am skeptical. He had measured Elsie being over 7 pounds and she came out at 6 pounds 2 oz. He thinks that Gemma might be bigger.
Maternity Clothes:
yes! and mostly leggings or sweatpants haha
Right around 20 pounds! I'm pretty proud of this considering at this point with Elsie I was about 10 pounds heavier.
She moves a lot but it's not as dramatic as before since she's running out of room.
Stretch marks:
Belly button in or out:
In, but getting pretty flat.
Food Cravings:
Desserts for sure!
Sore pelvis and hips. Not sleeping well anymore either.
What do I miss:
Sleeping well. Being able to walk around as much as I want without feeling like I'm 85.
What am I looking forward to:
Christmas! Elsie opening her presents and then taking down all of the Christmas stuff the day after Christmas haha. I'm ready to get the house in order for Gemma's arrival.